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Did you know that Chinese cabbage is packed full of essential vitamin A, C and K.


These little guys are also full of minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, iron and magnesium.

Chinese Cabbage 

Mustard microgreens a full of vitamin A, C, E, energy and carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc. That is indeed a mouth full of essential nutrients for your diet. 


Sunflower shoots are high in vitamins E and B, especially folate. Sunnies are a great vegetarian source of protein

Sunflower shoots

Red rambo radish is high in Vitamins E, A, C, B6, and K. Plus it's high on antioxidants, fiber, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium,copper, calcium, iron and manganese

Red rambo radish

High in Vitamin E

Japanese radish

High level of Carotenoids that are good for your eyes.

The amount of Vitamin C in Cress outplay the humble orange.


Bulls blood beet microgreens are high in vitamins A, C and antioxidants. Lycopene is the red pigment in the leaves, that can reduce the risk of several cancer.

Bulls blood beets

Pea shoots are a good source of beta carotene, vitamin C, folate, and fiber.

Pea shoots

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